Following the formation of your company you will need to establish whether your contract is IR35 compliant.
When a contract is through an agency it is common practice for the agency to advise you whether they believe the contract to be inside or outside of IR35. You are looking for it to be outside. If your agency are unsure on the status or if the contract is not through an agency, it may be prudent to have it reviewed by a specialist.
If you would like to know whether your contract is IR35 compliant you can send it to
us and we will be pleased to give you a verbal review free of charge and give you our
opinion whether we think it will be classed as inside or outside IR35.
If you would like a complete report performed on the contract, the cost is £125 + VAT (£150 if you are a not a client). A complete report will provide details on clauses in the contract that enable us to arrive at our opinion and in the unlikely event that your company is investigated by the revenue the report can be used to mitigate penalties and interest if the revenue were able to somehow prove that your contract should be taxed under IR35 legislation.
For a verbal or full contract review please send a copy of the contract to [email protected] together with a covering email requesting the review. We will guarantee to reply within 24 hours.